
About CIREA > History & Mission

China Institute of Real Estate Appraisers and Agents (CIREA) is a national wide non of profit organization with self disciplines in Chinese Real Estate Field,which is composed of real estate professionals and related companies. CIREA was established in August,1994. CIREA conducts self-discipline administration on real estate appraisal and agency industry. CIREA is a full member of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG).

The mission of CIREA is to  provide professional services by developing research, communication, education and publicity activities; to provide opinions to Chinese government so that to regulate the Chinese real estate rules; to develop the Chinese real estate administrative system, drawing up and promoting technical standards and practical rules;  watching the Chinese and international real estate markets; conducting international communication and cooperation, upgrading the professional competence of members and institutions in the field, and protecting their legal rights and interests. To cooperate foreign companies to invest in China and exchanges ideas and projects with them.

In accordance with Chinese laws, the country executes the real estate appraisal institution and the qualification certification system of real estate appraisers; it is necessary to pass the examination of practicing qualifications held by the country for obtaining the qualifications of real estate appraisers and agents. The qualifications of real estate appraisers and appraisal institutions are all subject to administrative permission. It’s illegal to do real estate appraisal business without administrative permission.

The CIREA is a self-discipline organization of Chinese real estate appraisal and agency industry. Its predecessor is China Institute of Real Estate Appraisers established in August 1994.

In 2006, it became a full corporate member of International Federation of Surveyors.

In 2007, it was accredited by the United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee as a Member Unit of Joint Meeting of United Front Work of Personnel of New Social Class.

In 2009, it was accredited by Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China as a member of the First Batch of Level 4A National Industry Associations and Chambers of Commerce.

In 2010, it was awarded the title of “National Advanced Social Organization” by Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China.

Main functions undertaken by CIREA

To undertake examination, registration and continuing education of two national qualifications, namely, Real Estate Appraiser and Real Estate Agent, and to review the application materials for Class A Real Estate Appraisal companies

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